Pasta sauce is many time the most important part of our Italian meal.We tend to choose the pasta shape  just to be sure that it matches well with the sauce we would like to it.The idea is that the sauce has to wrap the pasta in such a  perfect way that the two are perfectly together when we eat.

For this reason many times people love tomato or creamy sauces, which match easily  with most of the pasta shapes.

To serve  a nice, creamy sauce we can think of cheeses  and we have not to forget that most cheeses are lactose free,as we  were explaining in our previous  post (link here)

So let us enjoy the pleasure of the great mix of various cheeses


Fontina 80 gr.

Provolone  Valpadana 80 gr.= 1/3 cup

Parmigiano Reggiano 80 gr. .= 1/3 cup

Gorgonzola 80 gr. .= 1/3 cup

Milk 200 ml(lactose free milk optional)=7/8 cups

Fresh cream 50 ml(lactose free cream optional)=0.2 cups

Penne or Rigatoni  pasta 400 g= 7 oz.= 2 cups

Ground white pepper to taste

Fine Salt  to taste

■ Preparation

Put a large pot of salted water on the stove and bring to a boil.(for the pasta)

Grate the Parmigiano.

Cut the other 3  cheeses into cubes.

Pour  milk and cream in a saucepan on low heat and add gorgonzola , provolone, and fontina.

When these cheeses are starting to melt, add the grated Parmigiano.

Stir with a wooden spoon until the melting of the cheeses is complete, then add salt and pepper.

As the water boils, pour in the pasta and cook it “al dente”, then drain and put it for a minute

in the pan with the 4 cheeses sauce .

Arrange the pasta with 4 cheeses in the serving plates and serve immediately.

■ Tips

The pasta with 4 cheeses sauce cools, it tends to dry out quickly, so once it is ready, serve it immediately.

If you prefer, you can replace or add  cheeses like  Gruyere, Emmentaler, Grana Padano, Pecorino older than 4 months.

If you want to lighten the sauce you can replace the cream with other  50 ml of milk

This is one of the many pasta sauces for cheese lovers and considering it is so fast and easy,it confirms the possibility of preparing  a pasta dish to satisfy  ourselves when we are hungry  but also our buds with a  rich and creamy taste, having a full and satisfying flavour with a smooth and velvety texture.Buon appetito !