Caprese Salad is a simple summer dish made with tomato, mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil and fresh basil. A few quality ingredients which, expertly assembled together, give life to an exceptional delight! It was born in Capri in 1920 on the occasion of a dinner organized for the poet Marinetti. Marinetti was known for having criticised many dishes of Italian cuisine and some notable ones have been created for him, just think of pasta alla Marinetti (recipe in our blog) .

Thus, a Capri restaurateur, in order to amaze the writer, included the Caprese Salad among the courses: a light but equally tasty dish which was a fantastic success and is well connected to the colors of Italy: red – white – green. For this reason we dedicate it today to the Italian Republic Day.
Like any traditional dish there are numerous versions and variations. The recipe we propose today is the one that has always been in our family, easy but paying attention to some points to make it at its best

The best are the fiascona quality ones, or the cuore di bue (beef heart )ones. They must be ripe and crunchy. it is important that they are turgid, very fresh and free of bruises. It is nice that the slices are the same size as those of the mozzarella. Once the tomatoes have been cut, let them dry a little to eliminate excess water, just as you are doing with the mozzarella.

Mozzarella cheese
Buffalo mozzarella or fior di latte from Campania is good, but it must be perfectly drained to avoid ruining the dish. The important thing, in both cases, is that they are very fresh. The mozzarella must not lose too much milk otherwise it alters the flavor of the tomato. The ideal is to keep it at room temperature. The slices can be dabbed with kitchen paper to remove excess liquid.
Not only a decorative ingredient, but an indispensable one. Choose beautiful leaves and break it with your hands. Add the basil just before serving the caprese because it tends to wither and blacken.
It should only be added to tomatoes and not to mozzarella.
It’s not absolutely necessary, but if you like it, add it.
just good extra virgin olive oil and don’t add too much. In Italian we say “un filo d’olio”,a drizzle of oil
Many people put it instead of basil or even together. Whether fresh or dry, choose one of excellent quality and very fragrant.
In the traditional Caprese salad we do not add mayonnaise, vinegar, olives, eggs and sauces of any kind. Excessive seasonings and combinations would cover the balanced taste of mozzarella and tomato. However, to vary a little nowadays, caprese is served with a little balsamic oil or a delicate pesto.
How to make Caprese Salad
First of all, wash and dry the tomatoes perfectly and cut them to a thickness of 6 – 7 mm (1/4 inch)with a fine-bladed knife.

Then arrange the tomatoes on a plate and sprinkle with salt

Slice the mozzarella to a thickness of 6 – 7 mm (1/4 inch)and dab the slices with a cotton cloth to absorb any water that comes in.

Assemble the dish, adding a few basil leaves to the bottom of the dish where you will serve the caprese.
Alternate on the plate: a slice of tomato, a slice of mozzarella, every 2 – 3 pieces, a few basil leaves.

Finally sprinkle with a pinch of dried oregano. If you like a sprinkling of pepper.

A few more basil leaves, add a drizzle of oil.
Your Caprese Salad is ready to be served!